Saturday, July 4, 2009

Traveling to Mississippi and getting there

Entrance way to our dorm. Girls on the left, guys on the right.
We have seperate bathroom and shower facilities of course.

Front door of our dorm building. Home away from home.

Guys strike a pose

The girls dorm room

The guys dorm room

Girls hanging out in dorm

A stop to stretch, just so happened to be Graceland. Surprise!!!

We all woke up at a very early time to leave for the mission project. Most of us arrived at 5:00 a.m. at the church except for Zeke coming in around 5:20 a.m. Everything went well and smooth until we hit Arkansas. It was flat, barren, and as far as I could tell, no human interaction. It was like this until we came upon Memphis, Tennessee. Tye and a few other people saw the exit to get off for Graceland. We decided it was a necessary stop on the way to Mississippi. We got a few pictures that show the whole group in front of a Graceland sign. We didn't want to spend anymore money than we had to so we did not go on a tour of Elvis's house. Yet we got a pictures of his house from what we could see. Once we got near the town we were surrounded by coniferous forests and most of us claimed we thought we saw a Sasquatch. After a 13 hour van ride we finally arrived in Philadelphia, Mississippi. We took a slight sight see around the reservation, unpacked and took a trip to Walmart. Since we got here July 4th we went and saw fireworks. Now I am going to bed because we have two church services to go to tommorow.
-Brady Bosley